Jumat, 25 November 2011

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Windows 7 - 213 Start Buttons [All BMP's]

02-19-2010   #1 (permalink)


213 Start Buttons [All BMP's]

213 start buttons

My collection of start buttons, thought i would share.

All of them are BMP files
But i do not know if all of them show right (might be some black boxes around a few of them, when you have applied them)

On how to change your start button look here Start Menu Button - Change

Includes a single UserFrame which can be replaced in the explorer.exe [bitmap - 7013]
It's the userframe in the start menu, that gets replaced doing this.


Attached Thumbnails
213 Start Buttons [All BMP's]-7777.png  
Attached Files
File Type: zip StartButtons.zip (2.67 MB, 39088 views)